Take nothing for granted.

I recently traveled to Vancouver to visit my mom. She’s lived in Vancouver for many years — perhaps since the Seventies — and moved there from Taiwan with my dad. They were in their fifties, and left everything they knew to start a new life somewhere else.

But despite the challenges, it wasn’t frightening for them. They were excited by the prospect of building something that would be theirs, of having their own business. They were…adventurers.

It’s something I need to think about more often than I do. I used to take for granted all the lessons I learned from them – examples of hard work, stubbornness, and perseverance.

Not anymore. My dad passed away four years ago. My mom now has Alzheimer’s, and seems to grow weaker every time I see her. It doesn’t seem possible. I don’t want it to be possible.

More pictures to follow. More thoughts about my parents, as well.